Sunday, 15 March 2015

Grimm Journey hiatus; home server

I've taken a month-long hiatus from Grimm Journey and other game projects while other Rob digs himself out of a mile-high pile of Uni work. So, to fill the empty time with productivity I've started turning my Raspberry Pi into a home-server. As I write this, I've managed to set up a static address (with the help of DNS forwarding), ssh, Apache2, SVN, git, OpenVPN, SSL, automated WhatsApp messages and a range of other useful features.

I've realised while doing this that my web host supports most of these features (and more), so I'm going to start pushing anything that I don't necessarily need to host on my Pi to my main domain. My next step after that will probably be to purchase a couple of hard drives and try to set up a home media server with disk mirroring etc.

Speaking of my web host, I've been slowly learning bits and pieces of php, so I'm going to look into incorporating that into my website design, to minimise the amount of copying and pasting I've had to do between raw html files.

I'm also intending to start ramping back up on GJ this week, crushing some bugs and looking at things in a fresh light.

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