Monday, 15 December 2014

Cubey Gooding Jr

My next project is a puzzle-platformer with the working title of 'Cubey Gooding Jr'. It expands on the platforming and mechanic-switching of A Grimm Journey, using them as a base that I hope to build on as I design more and more levels.

So far I have the following in place:
- The player. A large white cube that can move freely in 2D space. After hitting a switcher it becomes a smaller white cube that can fit into tight spaces but is subject to the laws of gravity.
- Switchers. Blue circles that will change the player between the two sizes
- Transporters. Green circles that will teleport the player to a different location.
- Ender. A yellow circle that triggers the end of a level.
- The first level. An introductory level that introduces the player to the movement and switching mechanics as well as some of the platforming challenges.

What I plan to add:
- A second player. This is a direct progression from A Grimm Journey, although rather than having an actual second player, the lack of enemies will mean one player can comfortably control two characters. This will allow me to add more complex puzzles that require correct actions from both player characters in order to progress.
- Line of sight/fog of war? I've been toying with the idea of limiting the visibility distance around the character, as it might make teleportation and multi-path movement puzzles more challenging/interesting. Jury is still out.

Play the prototype here.

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